Microsatellite markers for paternity testing of crossbred sheep populations

Document Type : Research Paper



BACKGROUND: Pedigree information and phenotypic records are the key features in animal genetics and breeding. OBJECTIVES: This study was aimed to investigate and verify pedigree relations among 32 crossbred individuals who were genotyped for five microsatellite as one multiplex PCR set. METHODS: Pedigree relationships in a crossbred population of lambs reared in Tabriz University, Khalatpoushan research station was studied in which four rams were genotyped with 28 progenies. Four sires and 28 offspring were analyzed. Descriptive statistics of molecular raw data using a combination of software POPGENE and power indicator diagnosis was calculated using the software CERVUS. RESULTS: The results show that the candidate used microsatellite loci showed high levels of genetic diversity and polymorphism. In fact make such an observation precondition for the continuation of the analysis that follows is based on parentage tests.  Also, the combined probability of exclusion values obtained per all loci in both parentage and identification, analysis was 0.99 that indicate the high efficiency of study marker set for parentage and identification test in this population.As results this study showed incorrect pedigree in one individual of 28 ones with known parental relations.CONCLUSIONS:In conclusion, based on observed outputs, microsatellite markers seems could be powerful tools for tracing Mendelian allele from parents to offspring for evaluation of pedigrees accuracy.

امیری نیا، س1389. بررسی ساختار ژنتیکی گاومیش­های بومی ایران با استفاده از  نشانگرهای ریز ماهواره . طرح تحقیقات موسسه تحقیقات علوم دامی کشور.
وطن خواه م، مرادی شهر بابک م، نجاتی جوارمی ا، میرائی آشتیانی ر و واعظ ترشیزی ر، 1390.  مروری بر اصلاح نژاد گوسفند در ایران. اولین کنگرۀ علوم دامی و آبزیان کشور، دانشگاه تهران.
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